讲座题目:Facing backward: Theory and Policy in China's 'Sustainable Urbanization' in the Context of Post-financial-crisis
主 讲 人:张晓玲副教授
主 持 人:杨雪锋教授
地 点:1-517会议室
Dr Xiaoling Zhang, PhD, Associate Professor (Tenured), Program Director of Housing Studies, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong.Dr. Xiaoling Zhang is Associate Professor in the Urban Research Group, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. Prior academic roles have been at the University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has a longstanding and interdisciplinary interest in sustainable urbanism as well as urban redevelopment featured in China and Hong Kong. She has also engaged in environmental studies, particularly in the developers’ behavior/ actions in contributing to social responsibility/sustainable development, land use studies, energy policy and renewable & sustainable energy use as well as the mechanisms of changes in built environment. This has led to more than 110 SCI/SSCI publications including “Urban studies”, “Land Use Policy”, “Cities” etc.Her current book in planning is titled ‘Remaking sustainable urbanism: space, scale, governance in the new urban era?’ , which will come out soon in 2018. She has organized a session on “Social-environmental justice and sustainability” in the 2015 AAG Conference at Chicago and another one on “Urban inequality and unjust sustainability in China” at 2016 AAG in San Francisco. She has worked as the Subject Editor of ‘Journal of Cleaner Production’ (Theme: Regional Sustainable Development Initiatives and Transformations) during the period of 2015-2017. She has also led a good number of competitive research projects including two RGC grants and two NSFC grants and several invited keynote presentations at international conferences. Dr Zhang was also the winner of the Outstanding Researcher Award for Junior Faculty 2017 and the President Awards 2016.