主讲人:韩国首尔市立大学城市科学学院教授Jason F. Kovacs
Jason F. Kovacs(加拿大籍),韩国首尔市立大学城市科学学院教授、博士生导师,中国对外经贸大学公共管理学院文化与休闲产业研究中心特聘研究员。历任首尔市立大学城市行政系助理教授、副教授和正教授。1995年至2011年期间,先后在加拿大女王大学和滑铁卢大学取得生物学和地理学学士学位、地理学硕士学位和规划学博士学位,并在加拿大多伦多大学从事博士后研究。在加入首尔市立大学之前,先后任教于加拿大尼皮辛大学、多伦多大学密西沙加校区和士嘉堡校区,并担任滑铁卢大学文化遗产资源研究中心主任。多学科的教育背景使他的研究兴趣具有典型的跨学科属性。他的研究成果主要发表在城市研究(Cities, Urban Affairs Review,Planning Practice and Research)、文化研究(Cultural Trends,International Journal of Cultural Policy,Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society)、旅游研究(Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,Tourism Management Perspectives)、乡村研究(Journal of Rural Studies)、历史研究(Memory Studies)等领域的国际知名期刊。他当前的研究兴趣主要包括颜色城市、艺术驱动城市更新等。
内容简介:In 1916, Berlin, Ontario, disappeared off the map through a controversial vote. In its place came a newtoponym named after British Secretary of State for War, Horatio Herbert Kitchener. Over a century later,a Facebook post about the city’s name gained local media attention. For the writer of the post, the nameKitchener was synonymous for hate due to the military figure’s role in expanding the use of internmentcamps during the Second Boer War. However, the Berlin–Kitchener controversy is far older than therecent news story; it goes back to 1991 when a news article brought up the subject a year after the city’sGerman-Canadian community celebrated the reunification of their cultural homeland. This article examinesthe original resurfaced controversy over the 1916 name change as well as the recently re-emerged debate.It is argued that the origins of both debates are markedly different and reflect different concerns.